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Every team will be responsible of providing referees for some games in the tournament. (as written on the schedule.
The matches are 12 minutes long. The interval between two matches is 3 minutes
Game schedule
Will be distributed on the premises when the teams arrive. A provisional schedule will also be available on this website a few days before the tournament.
Every participant must be individually insured. No health or accident is provided by the tournament.
Sportswear, a cap, sunscreen that's it ! Let's start playing !
The Elite tournament is referred to the most experienced players. It has the gool to welcome teams (clubs or national selections) in high level tounament. Each team plays with 5 players on the field. the maximum number of substitutes is 5.
Each team plays with 5 players on the field. The number of substitute players is free. The participation of coed teams is encouraged.
Each team plays with 5 players on the field. The number of substitute players is free.
Open to players born in 2009 and 2010 + max 1 overage player born in 2008
Each team plays with 5 players on the field. The number of substitute players is free. The participation of coed teams is encouraged.
Open to players born in 2007 and 2008 + max 1 overage player born in 2006
Each team plays with 5 players on the field. The number of substitute players is free. The participation of coed teams is encouraged.
Open to players born before 1985
Each team plays with 5 players on the field. The number of substitute players is free. The participation of coed teams is encouraged.
Registration deadline
30 September 2024
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